How do I choose my issue date with ProMed Flex Expire™?

ProMed is the only provider that will not shortchange you on your ACLS, BLS, PALS, and CPR certification date by giving you the full two year certification you tested for and deserve.

With our Flex Expire™ feature, we allow you to pick any day within 30 days after passing your exam as your issue date, allowing you to maximize the time you’re certified.

Here’s how it works and why it’s so amazing:

  • After you pass your exam you’ll be immediately asked to confirm your first name, last name, and your issue date.
  • By default the issue date is set to the date you passed your exam.
  • If you choose to do so, you may elect to select a date within the next 30 days
  • Once you confirm, your card will be automatically generated with the issue date you’ve selected
  • Your new expiration date will be two years after the issue date you select, allowing you to maximize the time your covered by our certification.

NOTE: If you do change your issue date to a day in the future, you’ll want to ensure your current certification card covers you until your new ProMed provider card is issued. Never set your issue date past your current expiration date.

Who can benefit from Flex Expire™?

Recertifiers who are about to expire:
Example: Your current certification expires on June 30th, 2024. To avoid a lapse in compliance, you take and pass the ACLS, BLS, PALS or CPR course on June 20th, 2024. After you pass, you’ll be able to change your issue date to maximize your new certification period. In this case, you would set your new issue date to July 1st, 2024, which would push your expiration date to July 1st, 2020. In this example, the student maximized their current certification by issuing the new card the day after the current card expired.

Recertifiers and certifiers who have not yet started their job:
Many students are looking for jobs when they certify with us. For that reason, pushing your issue date back until you absolutely need it will allow you to take advantage of your full 2 year certification period.

Recertifiers and Certifiers that have expired cards:
Have an expired card? Not a problem! When you pass your exam, you’ll be able to set your issue date to the current day, allowing you to have a valid certification immediately after you pass.