How To Improve Your Medical Practice

To continue providing the finest treatment to your patients, you must improve your practice to ensure that it runs as smoothly and as effectively as possible.

To guide you, we've developed a list of techniques to enhance your practice.

1. Prioritize Your Patients

You should spend at least 30 hours per week on patient care to boost your practice's bottom line.

Thirty hours is doable if you're in a practice that's run by a group.

Lone practitioners need not fret.

A strong patient clientele can assist you in achieving this goal.

Remember not to overwork yourself. Maintaining a realistic workflow is an important part of practice management.

2. You Need A Team

You've invested a lot of time and money to earn yourself a medical license.

You're also the most dependable person when diagnosing health problems.

That expertise is what your patients need when treating their condition.

This means you can't be focused on administration in your practice when you're the only physician in your practice.

Hiring an administrator is the best option for you to enhance and grow your medical practice.

But keep in mind that you should constantly be aware of how the practice operates.

Having an administrator is a wise investment, but you shouldn't be out of touch with how your practice is run.

3. Make Use Of Scheduling To Improve And Optimize Patient Flow

Use a reliable and secure scheduling system to manage the number of patients that are visiting the practice.

A family doctor can generally accomplish four visits each hour, but you can reduce the number of patients if it's too much for you.

To avoid scheduling gaps and track foot traffic, make use of an online presence with a computerized scheduling system.

Your patients will appreciate this now that everyone is online.

Delegate scheduling duties to the administrator or any other member of the staff if you have multiple patients that you need to communicate with.

Overall, excellent scheduling may boost your office productivity by more than two patients per day, resulting in higher revenue and possibly, new patients.

4. Questionnaires and Online Reviews

Encourage your patients to leave an online review of your practice.

You are more likely to get feedback from your patients by making use of review sites like Yelp.

This will not only promote your business but also help you improve your practice based on the reviews.

Aside from that, you're more likely to attract new patients in cases where the online reviews are positive.

Don't just pay attention to the positive reviews, but also the negative ones, as they'll be beneficial to your practice since negative reviews help you make the right changes for things that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Maintaining an open line of communication between your patients and your practice may help you keep a steady patient flow.

5. Focus On Your Strengths

Given how competitive the industry is, a way to stand out is to stay on top of your competitors.

For instance, if you have a feature or service that's exceptional compared to your competitors, highlight it using social media.

Short wait times, partnering with a number of insurance providers, outstanding pay-pricing alternatives, and low-cost procedures are all examples of this.

Even attending local health activities or having a CSR (corporate social responsibility) vision in your company policy demonstrates that you care about your community.

The options are limitless.

6. Cross-Train Employees

Cross-training is difficult for most since it necessitates an initial financial commitment.

However, in the case of an absent employee due to illness or other reasons, well-trained personnel can take over the absent employee's role.

Here are some suggestions on how to approach cross-training:

  • Clearly state that you value teamwork, flexibility, and a collaborative atmosphere.
  • Make cross-training mandatory for every employee.
  • Have regular experiments to see if employees can handle each other's tasks.
  • Give employees an opportunity to point out areas where their training is lacking so that you can improve them.

While the procedure may appear intimidating and pricey at first, it is almost certainly worthwhile.

Consider implementing the training during sluggish periods, such as in the middle of summer, during Christmas, or on New Year's Eve.

7. Keep The Office Organized For Maximum Efficiency

Every aspect of your practice must run well.

Be it parking or check-ins and check-outs, everything must run seamlessly.

Organizing your workplace for maximum patient flow is one method to achieve this.

Make sure the reception is close to the entrance and that the front area is clear of clutter so that patients are able to finish the paperwork at the counter comfortably.

The exam rooms should be close to the reception area to reduce the amount of time it takes a patient to move from the waiting area to the exam room.

Patients should always move forward and not backward, as this will mean they'll have to retrace their steps.

Ensure that at any given time, there are extra rooms available just in case there's a sudden surge in the number of patients at any one time.

But make sure you don't overbook patients because this can lead to frustration due to long waiting times.

8. Have A Good Break Room

Burnout in the workplace is real.

Not only is it bad for employees, but it also affects your practice's bottom line by slowing down productivity.

Having a peaceful, welcoming break room is a worthy investment.

It will give the staff a safe space to decompress and unwind, allowing them to maintain high levels of productivity throughout the day.

When creating a breakroom, consider implementing these suggestions:

  • Have a long cozy couch that can be used for power naps.
  • Invest in a good coffee maker to help your employees fight the 3 pm slump.
  • Create a mini library by encouraging your staff to bring in old magazines, comics, and books.
  • Consider purchasing an essential oil diffuser and humidifiers to create a multisensory, relaxing atmosphere.
  • Get feedback and additional suggestions from your employees on other features that could be added to the break room.

Remember, the goal is to find ways to increase productivity and help your practice grow.